
推荐正规买球平台的洛夫蒂斯将前往N的位置.C. 兽医委员会

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按此放大,  乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯, 谁曾担任动物设施经理和讲师 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院兽医医学技术项目, is leaving to become Deputy Director of the North Carolina 兽医委员会.


乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯, 谁曾担任动物设施经理和讲师 in the Central Carolina ... (更多)

按此放大,  乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯, 谁曾担任动物设施经理和讲师, 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院兽医医学技术项目, 说他和动物们一起工作, “我一天中最重要的事情就是看到它们, 他们的宠物, 和他们一起玩, 和他们坐在一起,放松一会儿."


乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯, 谁曾担任动物设施经理和讲师, in the Central Carolina ... (更多)

09.19.2015管理员、教师 & 工作人员大学 & 社区大学一般

桑福德——乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯, 谁曾担任动物设施经理和讲师 在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院兽医医学技术项目, is leaving to become Deputy Director of the North Carolina 兽医委员会.

"The Board office has been growing increasingly busy over the years due to the dramatic increase in the number of facilities, 兽医, 还有我们州的兽医技术人员. 像这样, 工作量对办公室的工作人员来说已经变得相当繁重了,洛夫蒂斯说, 谁注意到他的工作将包括帮助办公室职员. “我还将花大量时间修改联合国宪章.C. 兽医执业法在全体董事会的指导下. Another part of my job will be to follow up on disciplinary actions taken against licensees 和 registrants to ensure compliance with Board requirements."

洛夫蒂斯, 谁在中国交建工作了12年, 说他在大学里有很多美好的回忆. " 当然, seeing each of the graduating classes walk across the stage st和s out in my mind. 看着他们每一个人在知识上成长, 技能, 总的来说是非常棒的,洛夫蒂斯说. “在2006年被评为年度最佳员工是一段非常美妙的经历. 参加学院建校50周年庆典也是一段美好的时光. 最近, watching the 50th class of VMT students begin the journey to become RVTs has been a blast."

金·布朗宁,中国中交汽车运输部门主席,与洛夫提斯合作了15年. "When a person is so fortunate to have the privilege to know 和 work with a '乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯' in their lifetime, 你每天都数着自己的幸福,布朗宁说。. “当我想到我和Mr. 洛夫提斯,多年前的事了. 我第一次见到先生. 当我还是N的学生时.C. 州立兽医学院. He was a 注册ed Veterinary Technician, working in the Large Animal unit of their hospital. 作为一名学生,Mr. 洛夫蒂斯对我的许多实践学习经验负有直接责任. He was gracious, thoughtful, 和 caring, not only to his patients, but to us students as well. 他对我们每个人都有很高的要求, 他从来没有为此道歉过, 和, 最后, 让我们成为更好的实践者.

“在我后来成为一名全职大型动物兽医的职业生涯中, 我有幸和乔纳森一起共事, 作为大型动物临床实践课程的客座讲师和兽医. It was in this role that Jonathan sparked my interest in becoming an educator,布朗宁说。. "When an instructor's position became available in the Veterinary Medical Technology Department, it was Jonathan's welcoming 和 team-player attitude that brought my attention 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院. Becoming an employee at 推荐正规买球平台 was like 'coming home' for me - it feels like family here, 和 Mr. 洛夫提斯是这个家庭的核心成员."

推荐正规买球平台健康科学学院院长Lisa Baker对洛夫蒂斯大加赞赏. “他的知识, 职业道德, 奉献精神导致了学生保留率的提高, 基于工作的学习机会, 还有动物收养,贝克说。. “我非常感谢他对推荐正规买球平台 VMT项目、教师和学生的服务.

"I am proud that Jonathan's efforts have resulted in his selection as the Deputy Director of the N.C. 因为我知道他也会利用这些知识, 职业道德 和 dedication to continue to shape the future of Veterinary Medicine in North Carolina paving the pathway for future VMT graduates,贝克说。.

洛夫蒂斯说他小时候一直养着动物. 当一个人生病的时候, he remembers getting upset that he did not know why 和 did not know how to help them.

洛夫蒂斯 notes that it helps to have family working in the field because you can get started at a much younger age. “我在大约10岁的时候开始在一家兽医诊所工作. 我割草,倒垃圾,等等. 12岁的时候,我从工作转到打扫狗舍。. “到我20岁的时候, I had moved up to working rooms with the veterinarian 和 then on to being the lead assistant for the practice, which involved administrative responsibilities such as payroll 和 regulatory compliance."

离开兽医几年后, 1999年,洛夫蒂斯开始参加推荐正规买球平台的VMT项目时,他选择重新回到这个行业. “我在N完成了实习要求.C. 在州立大学的大型动物医院. 2001年8月, I graduated becoming only the third person in my family to have graduated from college. 我继续在N公司工作.C. 我准备参加全国和州委员会的考试.

"In 2003, I was offered the opportunity to join the VMT program as the Animal Facilities Manager. 我接受了那个职位,并于8月8日开始工作. 2003年15日,在职员职位. In 2008, my position was reclassified to a faculty position to reflect the teaching responsibilities I had assumed. 多年来,我在多个委员会任职, was honored to be named the Veterinary Technician of the Year in 2006 by the North Carolina Association of Veterinary Technicians, 2008年,我被学院同事们评为年度最佳员工."

勃朗宁说洛夫提斯, 作为一名教育者, 一个有才华、有吸引力的老师能激励他的学生学习吗. “作为注册兽医技师, 他为全州的学生和技术人员树立了专业的榜样,布朗宁说。. “作为一名员工, he has been crucial to the continued success of the Veterinary Medical Technology Department."

洛夫蒂斯获得St. 并获得农业教育硕士学位. In 2012, he was appointed by the Speaker of the House to serve on the North Carolina 兽医委员会 as the RVT member filling the position previously held by Nancy Robinson, 他是推荐正规买球平台 VMT项目30多年的资深教师.

洛夫蒂斯对推荐正规买球平台的VMT项目给予了高度评价. “这个项目是独一无二的. 这是北卡罗来纳州的第一家,美国的第二家. This program has set the bar for what veterinary technology education should be," he said.

"I have had the opportunity to speak with many people involved with VMT programs at other schools in N.C.美国,以及其他州和几个国家. 在和他们交谈之后,我才意识到这个项目是多么的特别. 当然, my opinion is definitely biased but I truly believe we are one of the best programs in the country,洛夫蒂斯说. "The faculty in this program cares about each 和 every student that enters the program. 当我们因为成绩或个人原因失去一个学生时,我们都很难过. 我们开始关注他们的成功,以及他们追求这个领域的愿望. The passion this faculty has for teaching 和 for student success can be felt in the classroom through the energy of the students. 虽然我们知道这个课程很难,但我们也想让他们觉得有趣. I don't think anyone could choose a better program than the one at 推荐正规买球平台 for their VMT education."


家庭环境的不只是程序, 而是整个学院的, 是我一直认为自己很幸运能经历的事情吗. I will definitely miss being in the classrooms 和 labs with the students 和 sharing knowledge with them while also learning from them. 我会想念我的朋友,”洛夫蒂斯说. “我想最重要的是,我会想念动物. 我一天中最开心的事就是去看他们, 他们的宠物, 和他们一起玩, 和他们坐在一起,放松一会儿. One of my responsibilities included checking on the animals every day including weekends, 假期, 还有学期间的休息. Some people saw that as a chore, but I relished the opportunity to spend time with my babies."


梅根·凯利, 谁现在是这所大学的讲师, 她说,她还记得自己在推荐正规买球平台读书、担任洛夫蒂斯助理的日子. “每个人都很害怕乔纳森,因为他的身体很吓人, but I was able to see the side of him that cuddled cats 和 picked up the dogs like big babies. He's so unbelievably compassionate about not just the animals, but students, too," she said. “他从未放弃过我们,即使他很沮丧. 他过去是,现在仍然是我灵感的主要来源. 他每天都努力做到最好, 他对自己要完成的每一项任务都是如此坚定和热情.

“当我还是个学生的时候,他激励我要超越一般人, 他现在仍然激励着我, 作为同事, 每天做一个更好的人. 他是我共事过的最支持我、最敬业的同事. 乔纳森是第一个到的,也是最后一个走的, 但即使在那些漫长的时间里, 他总是愿意为老师和学生做更多的事情. As a former student, assistant, friend, 和 coworker, I will miss him from the bottom of my heart."

勃朗宁也高度评价了洛夫蒂斯. “我可以继续赞美下去, but there simply aren't enough words to describe how pivotal 乔纳森·洛夫蒂斯 has been to so many students, 兽医医学项目, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院, 也为兽医的不断进步和成功干杯,布朗宁说。. “作为我的同事和朋友,我会非常想念他. 作为兽医事业的冠军, 我数着我们所有人, 人和动物都一样, 更幸运的是他的下一个职业机会在N.C. 兽医委员会."

What advice does 洛夫蒂斯 have for someone who may be considering a profession in veterinary medicine?

“这样做. It is a great career path with wonderful opportunities that continue to grow," he said. “但是,不要为了钱而进入这个行业. 如果你这样做了,你会非常失望的. 你必须因为热爱你所做的而进入这个领域, 你正在帮助的动物, 以及你正在教育的客户. 这是一个用心的事业,而不是钱包的事业. 如果你不是真正热爱它,你就不会成功."

有关推荐正规买球平台兽医医学技术项目的更多信息,请访问 www.预备.edu/curriculum/majors/veterinarymedical/.